DD PSW Resources
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Personal Support Worker (PSW) Resources


Personal Support Workers (PSWs) support and assist eligible individuals with I/DD with different activities of daily living including but not limited to personal care, household tasks, and being active in the community. PSWs are Medicaid providers with the State of Oregon through DHS and provide support in the individual's home and/or community. PSWs are hired and managed by Common Law Employers and sign up to provide services through the case management entity where the individual receives services. View the Personal Support Worker Assistance page >

Common Law Employer (CLE)
Previously known as an Employer of Record, the CLE is typically the individual, their family member, the individual's legal guardian, the individual's legally designated representative, or an advocate in their life who is employing PSWs. They maintain hire/fire authority and direct the care the individual with I/DD receives. In addition, the CLE must sign off on any services delivered reports, time sheets, or invoices verifying that the time worked as reported by the PSW was indeed for the authorized services received.

Requirements & Process to Become a PSW
Be at least 18 years of age

Complete and submit a provider application - once processed you will receive a provider number

Complete and submit an employee information packet - provided by PPL via mail

Complete and submit an eXPRS user enrollment form - the state will send you a secure email with a temporary login and password for eXPRS

Have a valid ID (state ID, driver's license, passport)

Pass a background check - contact Union County I/DD Program at CHD to schedule at 541-962-8848.

All documents must be received by Union County CDDP to initiate the enrollment process:
Review and sign Provider Service Agreement - can be obtained from the Service Coordinator after all other steps are complete

Attend mandatory online state PSW class within 90 days of becoming a PSW through Carewell SEIU 503

PSWs must renew credentialing every two years through the same process. Please contact the Union County DD office and request a PSW enrollment packet.

Additional Resources
Carewell SEIU 503

Carina - Place an add or find individuals who are looking for providers on Carina.

Progress Notes and Toolkit (PDF) - A progress note is written information that tells what the PSW did to meet the needs of the person they work for. Progress notes can be in the language the PSW writes in.

State of Oregon - ODDS PSW Webpage

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DD Services
DD PSW Assistance
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Center for Human Development, Inc.
2301 Cove Avenue
La Grande, OR 97850
In order to receive government funding, the Center for Human Development, Inc. (CHD) is required by state and county policies to charge for services it provides to the public. However no one will be denied clinical services because of an inability to pay. CHD does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, family status, age or disability. For further information on this policy contact Human Relations, 541-962-8811 or TTY 1-800-735-2900 or 711.

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